Gallison Woods was donated to SLT in 1991.
Gallison Woods is an 11-acre property offering visitors a connection to the upper reaches of the Sippican River as it flows eastward and then south toward the Weweantic River. Several trails have been established affording the opportunity for a close-up encounter with a wide range of flora and fauna.
Located at the end of Inland Road, off Route 105, just North of the I-195 overpass.
Sippican Lands Trust Rules and Regulations
Our properties are open from sunrise to sunset.
- NO drugs or alcohol.
- NO smoking or fires.
- NO littering.
- NO camping.
- NO motorized vehicles or ATVs.
- NO unauthorized postings.
- NO hunting, except with SLT's permission.
- Leave the plants, animals, and geology as you find them.
- Parking for visitors of SLT, where applicable (not all properties have dedicated parking).
- Pets should be leashed and under their owner's control.
- Pet waste should be picked up and disposed of in trash and not on the trail or property (bagged or unbagged).